Colin Harbinson


StoneWorks VISION & Mission (Page 2)


1.  Vision
Evaluate your current arts-related activity, and dream about new or future creative possibilities in line with your organization’s mission, structure, and vision.

2.  Mission
Begin to craft a mission statement, with goals and objectives that will guide your vision for the arts

3. Mentor
Identify and build a diverse team of people interested or engaged in the arts, to meet on a regular basis for mutual encouragement, prayer, teaching, spiritual development, and creative expressions.

4.  Excellence
Encourage emerging artists to get quality practical training in their field of artistic gifting.

5.  Resources
Identify, or develop, appropriate audio, video, web, or print media resources and curriculum that can be used to train, inform, and further their arts vision.

6.  Finances
Identify and communicate with potential individual donors, local businesses, and grant-giving organizations to raise the money needed to launch or sustain your arts vision, or arts project/s.

7.  Opportunities
Identify and develop opportunities and models for mission, and cultural engagement, through the arts, networking with practicing artists as resource partners.

8.  Partnerships
By working together, strategic partners can make a greater impact than if they operated in isolation from one another other—common vision is discovered, fresh and innovative ideas are generated, resources can be shared, and the unity of the Body of Christ is demonstrated.  

Central to our understanding of individual and cultural renewal is the identification and removal of the “stones” that trip us up and prevent restoration. The questions below will help guide your discussion about stones related to the arts—in the Church, the life of the artist, and your culture. For a more in-depth understanding, consider purchasing the “Stone by Stone” video Series on the arts and faith, by Colin Harbinson (Click here for more information).


EDUCATE the Church:

a. Identify specific stones in the church that need to be removed

b. What are the underlying issues?

c. Describe how these stones have affected you

d. Suggest specific and practical ways to remove these stones

DISCIPLE the artist:

a. Identify specific stones in the arts as a whole, and in your particular arts discipline

b. What are the underlying issues?

c. Describe how these stones have affected you

d. Suggest specific and practical ways to remove these stones

RENEW your culture:

a. Identify specific stones in your culture

b. What are the underlying issues?

c. Describe how these stones have affected you

d. Suggest specific and practical ways to remove these stones



We educate, mentor, and pursue artistic excellence, in the full knowledge that as we faithfully and prayerfully participate in God’s redeeming story, it is he who will restore people and cultures to his original Creational intention.

The purposes of God are not limited to personal salvation. He wants all of creation (every area of life, including the arts) to be restored to His original intention. The vision to restore, renew, and rebuild the brokenness of the arts world is a vision to see the arts restored to God’s original intention—for beauty and for His glory. In turn, the arts will be a powerful way to bring truth, beauty, and healing to the lies, ugliness, and sickness of a world alienated from its Creator.
Vision & Mission - p.1 | Vision & Mission - p.2 | Vision & Mission - p.3


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Vision & Mission

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